Monday, April 20, 2015

On Art and Universality

Ugh, my life.

You'd think that for how busy I've kept myself for the last 7 years, doing ONLY ONE THING would just be so relaxing and time would float by like a pea blossom borne aloft on a summer's breeze.  Actual fact: Despite not being in school and despite not planning a wedding and despite not renovating a house and despite only working full-time, I feel like this past year has flown by with preternatural speed.  TIME, man.  It keeps HAPPENING.
As a result, there are quite a few people that I just haven't gotten around to seeing all year, and I finally cracked and broke my "post a blog post at least once a month please, slacker," routine.
I'm still plugging away at grad school research and whatnot, which is an anxiety attack for another day.  I'm also still seeking a new church, which is just so much harder than I thought it was going to be.  (That's not to say that I'm going back.  I'm never going back.)
Today, I want to talk about ART again, because I've had further thoughts.