This here. This is a good article:
“Radical,” “missional” Christianity as the new legalism
Basically, it's saying that you don't have to go out and save the world, but that you can live as a Christian in a normal suburban life. This is something I've been thinking about a lot lately. I'm nearing the end of my schooling, I'm about to get married, and hopefully I'll go out and find a job. We just bought a tiny house in West Allis. We're so...normal.Beyond that, I have...a past. As does everyone, I suppose. I consider the years between 19 and 22 to have been just a strange detour in my life. As does everyone, I suppose. In any event, I'm back on the path of faith and starting to become a grown-up, and I'm wondering how all of "This" fits together.
When it comes to the church, I think that the world-changers and driven missionaries are important, vital, to the church, but that not everyone can do that. 1 Corinthians 12 talks about different gifts of the spirit, and how we are all united by God's purpose into a single body. Missionaries and world-changers aren't the end of the story. I also think it's a bit easier to go out an do extraordinary things for God than it is to live every day for Him. Not, obviously, that the world-changers are lazy. If someone is called and gifted to be world-changers, then it is commendable for them to do that. However, if we put pressure on others to also be like that, we are likely to get people who are more worried about how they can dramatically show their faith than they are about actually having or living it. God created us as individuals, with unique personalities and talents. The best way to honor and glorify him is by being yourself, by being the best "you" you can be. Trying to be somebody else only leads to problems.