Funny story:
I got married. It's weird. Or at least, it's weird in that it's not weird. Yeah? People keep asking, "Soooo, what's married life like? >wink, wink, nudge< Is it different?" And no, it's pretty much the same. I mean, we live together, and there's sex now, which is pretty great, and About Freaking Time, but otherwise, things just is. Not that it's not good. It's just not that different. Which is good. I don't know.
Anyway, people said my wedding was cool, which is cool. I mean, I guess they're supposed to say that, but I think it went pretty well. I've been to some flop weddings before, and I was thinking, "How do I know if that's me?" The main thing I hate at weddings is the massive wait between the wedding and the reception, where the party goes off and takes pictures, and everyone else sits around forever not allowed to eat. I went to a wedding recently where the time and place of the reception weren't listed, only to find out after the ceremony that the reception was at the same place, so we all sat down and waited 3 Freaking Hours for the party to show up. Then the food was bad and there was no dance. Hell, just don't have a reception then. But anyway, I think I did ok, so here's some things I did. You can do them too, if you want to be as cool as me or whatever.